Contact Information:

Wings Air Charter LLC

236 Airport Hangar Drive, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin 54494

Office hours: Variable and by Appointment

Come in the gate located at 3rd Street and Two Mile Avenue. You will need the gate code to get inside the fence. Call us.

Our phone/fax is 715-424-3737


To be added to our mailing list. Fill out the form below.


Main list:  You will receive all of our mailings.  Current news, upcoming events, aviation humor, etc.

New Students:  You will receive mailings targeted at events for prospective new students.  When we have our "Learn to Fly" days, do special rides, start new ground school sessions, etc., you will be notified.

Rides:  You will be notified when we have "Air Rides" scheduled at special prices.

Wisconsin Rapids, WI

Click to Enlarge


Airport Diagram - (ISW)

*not for navigational purposes